
Bonsai Workshops

Veena Nanda has specialised in the art of Bonsai and has won many awards in Gardening and Bonsai categories. She has been conducting workshops in Bonsai for past 25 yrs. She also conducts one day workshops for corporates, clubs and other organisations regularly.

Workshop details

Our workshops are for 3 days

Day 1 : Theory class on Bonsai techniques and general gardening
Day 2 : Demo of creating bonsai in different styles
Day 3 : Practical class for students to create their own Bonsai
Fee : Rs.3000/- per student.

This includes the potting materials students use during their practical class. Ceramic planters and plants are NOT included in the fee. Students are free to buy and make as many they want and take home.

For class and next batch details please write to us or call 9900145386